Announcing the launch of One Coast To Another

Published on 18 November 2010 in , , ,

It now seems so long ago that I was walking the Coast to Coast. Which I guess is, because it is. The frost has begun to creep over the land, and this morning the office was surrounded by fog.

One Coast to Another book cover

But never fear – tales of those heady summer days can still be found in One Coast To Another, my now available e-book chronicling the tales of one man and one woman, walking from one side of the country to the another with big rucksacks on for no good reason than that a man with a pipe called Wainwright decided it was a good idea.

And who could possibly argue with that?

If you’ve read the Coast to Coast blog posts then you may find One Coast To Another rather familiar being, as it is, a compiled (and slightly revised) copy of what has been posted here. However this version is in a nicely compiled e-book for reading at your convenience whilst away from your computer screen. It has photos and everything.

It’s available for Amazon Kindle currently priced at a mere £3.96 or as a free PDF from the One Coast To Another website. (Yes I am aware you can put PDFs on a Kindle!)

Although I didn’t originally intend my Coast to Coast series to be a book, the style the posts were written works well in the format.One Coast To Another the first of a small experiment in e-book versions of my walking post – I’ll also be publishing a copy of my journeys on the Dales Way in the same way, as well as the now obligatory blog posts. I’m also considering doing a paper copy available via if you want to get away from your screen completely.

As this is my first e-book, I’m interested in hearing any feedback people have from it (good or bad) and also whether people will be interested in other formats like ePub or printed versions. Anyone who finds an issue in the PDF version will naturally get a free replacement copy in PDF!

Anyway now that this post is done I’m off to the launch party! Although one of the issues with self-publishing is that there’s no publisher picking up the tab which is why I’ll be sitting in the pub on me todd with a bowl of Wasabi Mixed nuts. Cheers!

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